Where do an Admin or Instructor can see survey results?

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Where do an Admin or Instructor can see survey results?

Post by rainier »

Hi everyone,
After I designed, uploaded and answered a survey, I have been trying to find where I can see the results of a survey made in FormaLms without any success.
So, Can someone tell me where do I find them?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Where do an Admin or Instructor can see survey results?

Post by max »

Hi Rainier,

the "survey" object has always been bugged even in Docebo 4x. It never gets completed, so it's impossible to see the results.
In the next releases of Forma it will probably be totally removed. If it worked, it would be visible in stats by objects or stats by user.

Our suggestion is as follows:
- use the "test" object
- hide the course proprieties, so they are not visible to users
- set the score as not visible to users and don't count it for the final score
- set it as doable until completed
- set the correct answer for each question (although, being a survey, there is no "correct" answer), so the object will work correctly
- set 1 for correct answers
- set 0 as the minimum score

This way you'll be able to have a wonderful survey and to see the results in all the statistics.

We've been using this system for years in hundreds of courses.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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Re: Where do an Admin or Instructor can see survey results?

Post by CisterNino »

Hi Rainier, Hi Max,
Sorry, but the results for a survey exists. It is not easy to find it but they are available.

Go to "Stat Area" and then choose "Learning object stats".
Now you have to click just on the name of your survey (do not click on the right icon) and then the result will be displayed on the bottom of the same page, in aggregate way.
That's why my opinon is to keep the function but to improve the user experience.
I'm Livio, the Two. If you need, you can contact the one.
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Re: Where do an Admin or Instructor can see survey results?

Post by max »

Hi CisterNino,
you're right, I didn't remember that behaviour. The user experience will have to be improved very much, because
- it remains true that right now this kind of object can never be completed
- the aggregation adds all the times the survey has been taken, even if - for example - a user has taken it twice
- it's anonymous, so it's impossible for the instructor to dig deeper into the stats and filter them
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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Re: Where do an Admin or Instructor can see survey results?

Post by rainier »

Thanks both,

I will try check both options... I really appreciate your help.
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