FormaLMS SuperAdmin doesn't see Course Catalogue the same as an instructor in LMS?

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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FormaLMS SuperAdmin doesn't see Course Catalogue the same as an instructor in LMS?

Post by Pritchard »

I would have thought that a super admin user would be able to see everything... but when I click over to the LMS and view the Course Catalogue, it is showing up blank. Students and instructor users I have created, however, can see the courses in that course catalogue.

So I solved the issue before with the course catalogue items not being visible, but why can't the super admin see all of them on the LMS side?
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Re: FormaLMS SuperAdmin doesn't see Course Catalogue the same as an instructor in LMS?

Post by max »

Hi Pritchard
the superadmin sees everything, unless your settings differentiate what different users see...
It doesn't depend on the user level, it depends on what you set for catalogue and its visibility.

From the information you provided, I guess you created a specific catalogue and assigned it to specific users or specific org chart nodes, that include students and instructors but do not include superadmins, that maybe are in a different node.

Am I right?
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: FormaLMS SuperAdmin doesn't see Course Catalogue the same as an instructor in LMS?

Post by Pritchard »


I suppose I just would not have expected to have to assign superadmins to a course catalogue. I don't have any groups or organization settings specifically configured for superadmins that I am aware of.
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Re: FormaLMS SuperAdmin doesn't see Course Catalogue the same as an instructor in LMS?

Post by max »

I understand, but since I cannot see your complete, specific situation that is what I thought of. Maybe you are not aware, but you have some specific settings.

There are some other settings affecting the catalogue, check them under the administration settings > elearning
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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