is it possible to have multi lessons inside a course ?

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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is it possible to have multi lessons inside a course ?

Post by gihel »

hi everybody.
I would like to have courses like this :
course 1 : electric
  • lesson 1 : bla bla bla
    lesson 2 : bli bli bli
n 3 : bloblo blo
course 2 : informatic
  • lesson 1 : dos
    lesson 2 : windows
etc, etc

is it possible and how to ?

I see there is program where we can import course but the programs don't appears in first page

And last, how to imbric page web into course
thank you very much to help me
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Re: is it possible to have multi lessons inside a course ?

Post by max »

Sure it is possible, that's what the LMS is for.
Go to the "front end" (the public area where you see the courses you created).
You have to be a teacher or an administrator to create lessons.
Click on the drop-down menu and go to the teacher area. Then go to Learning object management
you can create new folders and new learning objects (lessons)
You can create glossary, test, polls and many other types of objects via the interface.
You can upload documents.
you can upload scorm packages (you need to create them with a separate program).

You cannot embed a "normal" web page. You can only embed videos (youtube, vimeo...) or pages that have an embed code.
Use the "html page" learning object. Then click on the "media" button: there you can paste the embed code.

If what you need is just a simple html page, create an html page and just copy whatever content you need, or (better) write directly and format your text.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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Re: is it possible to have multi lessons inside a course ?

Post by gihel »

Tanks Max you are the best...
I saw you answer to everybody... Who are you ? The god of formalms ou just a super user ???
any way thank you
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Re: is it possible to have multi lessons inside a course ?

Post by max »

:D :D :D :D Merci Melanie!

Oui, je réponds à tout le monde ... car je veux que nos utilisateurs soient heureux.
En tout cas, je ne suis pas le Dieu de Forma, seulement une divinité secondaire.
Les vrais dieux ne se révèlent pas, au moins pas toujours :-)
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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