New course for every people

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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New course for every people

Post by gihel »

hi everybody
I want to create a new course and I want every user was assigned on this course
I dont find the way to do it.
Thank you for explain
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Re: New course for every people

Post by alfa24 »

enroll policies (this answer applies to the other thread you opened a while ago) allow you to automatically enroll users in certain groups/org chart nodes to the courses you want. For every user to be enrolled to a course, choose the root descendants org chart node.
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Re: New course for every people

Post by gihel »

this does not work
I’m just recapitulating
1. I created an organisation
2. I created users in this organisation
3. I created a group based on organisation users
4. I created a course and I give the rights to the group (I tried with organisation)
OK users can works into the course
5. I created a new user into the organisation
6. I log as this new user
He can't access to the course.

Where I missed ?
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Re: New course for every people

Post by alfa24 »

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Re: New course for every people

Post by gihel »

What I do with that ?
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Re: New course for every people

Post by alberto »

You need to configure some enrollment policy to automate subscription to the course for any user added to the selected group
You can set enrollment policies under the menu elearning > enrollment policies
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Re: New course for every people

Post by gihel »

I went to enrollment policies
I’ve tried many different ways
Sorry I don’t understand the strategy,
Can you tell me step by step ?
Thank you so much
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Re: New course for every people

Post by Luisiana »

gihel find a useful tutorial on policies here: ... scrizione/
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