Question: is there a step by step on how to configure LDAP integration using the formalms ui. The only UI part I found is:
after logon with admin user, click on settings gear icon:
in the top menu click on settings/System configuration/settings
Under configuration, there are only 3 ldap settings: port, activate and server address
if I specify those 3 values, the ldap integration does not work, i specify the ldap user and ldap user pw, and the page returns access denied, please check your password. Are there settings that can be put in the config.php that can make the integration work. I tried:
Code: Select all
echo "
// LDAP Configuration
\$cfg['user_pwd_type'] = 'ldap';
\$cfg['ldap_host'] = '${LDAP_HOST}';
\$cfg['ldap_port'] = '${LDAP_PORT}';
\$cfg['ldap_base_dn'] = '${LDAP_BASE_DN}';
\$cfg['ldap_bind_dn'] = '${LDAP_BIND_DN}';
\$cfg['ldap_bind_password'] = '${pw}';
\$cfg['ldap_filter'] = '${LDAP_USER_FILTER}';
\$cfg['ldap_user_attr'] = '${LDAP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE}';
\$cfg['ldap_realname_attr'] = '${LDAP_REALNAME_ATTRIBUTE}';
\$cfg['ldap_email_attr'] = '${LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE}';
" >> /app/formalms/config.php
Code: Select all
LDAP_PORT: "389"
LDAP_BASE_DN: "dc=abc,dc=c2,dc=us"
LDAP_BIND_DN: "cn=adminldap,cn=nasAccount,cn=Syno,dc=abc,dc=c2,dc=us"
LDAP_USER_FILTER: "(&(objectClass=person)(uid=%u))"