The problem is in this function. I was able to login after commenting those lines:
private static function sessionCookie()
// start session
self::log( " Start session '".self::$session_name."'" );
// session_set_cookie_params( 0 );
// ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', Get::cfg('session_lenght', 3600));
// session_name(self::$session_name);
// $session_time = Get::sett('ttlSession', 3600);
// if(!isset($_SESSION['session_timeout']))
// $_SESSION['session_timeout'] = time();
// $session_time_passed = time() - $_SESSION['session_timeout'];
// if($session_time_passed > $session_time && isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && $_SESSION['logged_in'])
// {
// session_destroy();
// Util::jump_to('../index.php?msg=103');
// }
// $_SESSION['session_timeout'] = time();
But I don't know why it doesn't show me the admin page, although my user level is 0 in the database? Or is this related to the idst column in the 'user' table that I mentioned in the previous post?
Problem in login after installation
Re: Problem in login after installation
I figured out the admin issue, and restored the idst value from the core_st table.
But still there is a bug in the code of session time as mentioned before. Please check.
Thank you.
But still there is a bug in the code of session time as mentioned before. Please check.
Thank you.
Re: Problem in login after installation
No problem with the code. The problem is on your server.
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