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Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:52 am
by nickda
Dear all just to point out that in forma 1.2 the Activate course not working, when you are in the LMS. in forma 1.1 this worked fine ( just tested both versions).
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:28 pm
by canelli
we have made some test over our environment and the "activate function" work .
can you provide some detail ?
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:19 am
by nickda
Thank you for replying.
The process we used which was exactly the same for forma 1.1 and 1.2 ( 1.1 worked perfectly well)
1)Go into the admin area/ main/ configuration/ code
2) create a code grouping
3) create random codes
4) assign the codes to give access to certain courses
4.1 ) course settings as follows: Course type: E-Learning, Status confirmed, Enrollment policy: free, Subscriptions open.
5) give an already registered user the code
6) user enters code in activate section
7) in forma 1.1 the user is given immediate access to the course
7.1) for us in forma 1.2 we get the following error "Error while processing the requested operation subscription not allowed yet"
We look forward to any suggestions.
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:29 am
by nickda
We have compared the two systems and so far we have found a change in the following file: applms/lib/lib.course.php
Seems that the function subscribeUserWithCode ($code, $id_user, $level = 3) has been changed we wanted to see if this has effect you too ?
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:06 am
by max
Hi Nickda,
you're right. On Friday we had just tried with the manual code (the one you set in the course properties), not with the list of codes. We thought that was what you were talking about.
With the code grouping function we, too, are getting the "subscription not allowed" error message.
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:54 am
by nickda
We managed to fix it by copying from forma1.1 the file applms/lib/lib.course.php into forma 1.2 and that has fixed it. Im now hoping that this wont mean we have lost a bug fix made
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:43 pm
by max
Yes, you lost a bug fix with the courses with more than one edition.
The user subscribed to the 1st one could enter it even after the edition expired or after its status was set as "closed". The fix corrected that undesired behaviour. We'll have to dig further to understand why this interfered with the subscription by code.
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:50 am
by nickda
Hi Max,
Thanks for pointing this out.
To be honest the activate course is more important for us at the moment but we will keep it in mind.
IF we fix both we will advise how we have done it?
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:01 am
by max
Hi Nick, yes I understand that Activate Course is important for you.
We already opened a ticket in our bugtracker for that issue, so in the next weeks/months we plan to fix it.
In case you'd like to put your hands on this function, please share your solution with the community. Thanks in advance!
Re: Activate course not working in forma 1.2
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:38 pm
by getit
nickda wrote:Thank you for replying.
The process we used which was exactly the same for forma 1.1 and 1.2 ( 1.1 worked perfectly well)
1)Go into the admin area/ main/ configuration/ code
2) create a code grouping
3) create random codes
4) assign the codes to give access to certain courses
4.1 ) course settings as follows: Course type: E-Learning, Status confirmed, Enrollment policy: free, Subscriptions open.
5) give an already registered user the code
6) user enters code in activate section
7) in forma 1.1 the user is given immediate access to the course
7.1) for us in forma 1.2 we get the following error "Error while processing the requested operation subscription not allowed yet"
We look forward to any suggestions.
same manner here...
so went back in formalms 1.1 but I get this strange behavior:
say I have 3 courses, each one with different registration codes on them code1,code2,code3
if a user is registering, after he uses any of these codes he gets all courses immediately
Is there any option to have this work right (specific code fires up specific lesson)?
Is there any solution to have different codes for lessons and different for user registration?
What is wire (when sell a lesson) and how we set this to work?
looking forward to make formalms our best lms! Greetings from Greece!