customize foamalms

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Version: forma.lms 1.2

customize foamalms

Post by slava »

hi folks
need yours assistant.

please see the attached file.
Basically we want a clear page so, how:
1. Remove all the tab include : e-learning, search.
2. Remove all and only certificates tab will appear when will be a new certificate.
3. Remove the language bar.
4. Remove the profile tab.
5. Remove all the data .
6. In the login page:
a. Remove Change language and Combo Box.
b. Remove home page caption.
*if I delete both home page and language from language management, then I receiver the default value.
customize foamalms.docx
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Re: customize foamalms

Post by alberto »

Hi Slava

2: you need the "my courses", or the users won't be able to return from the certificate page to the course list
4: not a good idea or the users won't be able to change their passwords, but you can deactivate extended profile from admin > main > configuration > settings > user

All the other points require some code work, if you can't do it yourself and have some budget send us a pvt for an estimate
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