Copying the Assessment

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Copying the Assessment

Post by pretheesh.j »

From the learning object management, we have an option to copying the existing assessment. But after copying the new assessment was not visible in the admin area. Can we use this as a new assignment ?
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Re: Copying the Assessment

Post by max »

Hi, I suppose you are speaking about copying and pasting a learning object. In fact, you can copy'n'paste anything, not only an assessment.

After copying, of course you need to paste somewhere what you copied.... You should see a "paste" button and you should be able to paste it either in "Course Objects" or "Shared Objects" or "My Objects".

Not sure if this was what you asked, your question was not very clear.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Copying the Assessment

Post by pretheesh.j »

But after copy and paste, I can use this as a new assessment ? Like an independent assessment with different users from the parent one. Also I can do any modification on this like time and schedule from admin area ?
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Re: Copying the Assessment

Post by max »

Yes, every LO is "independent"

BTW: I suppose you are not speaking about "courses", you are probably speaking about a function called "Assessment" or "Preassessment".

So, still it's not very clear to me what you are trying to achieve.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Copying the Assessment

Post by pretheesh.j »

Yes. I am speaking about Assessment. I want to copy the Assessment for another set of users. That is my requirement.
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Re: Copying the Assessment

Post by max »

Ok, let's try to make some order.

"Assessment": it's actually just a simplified version of a "Course". It displays in a different tab, and by default it only has some menu items.
The other simplification is that once you create an assessment and you click on "edit", the system automatically takes you to the frontend and it creates a test LO, which you have to fill with questions. That's about it.

However, these test LO actually can also be copied to shared objects and thus become available to other "Assessments" or to other "Courses".

- Administration>elearning>assessment>assessment: you have to manually create each "assessment". There is no copying function
- so you have to create a new assessment for a new set of users
- once you are inside "learning object management", you can edit/copy/paste your LO.
- if you copy your test into shared objects, then you'll be able to import it into your new assessment (from shared objects to course objects)
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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