Advance Payment

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Advance Payment

Post by tempuser »

I think there is some confusion in the application of advance payment option in course payments. The option is available in each course details as % of total price, but when the user actually places the course in cart, the total amount of the order is the number value of the advance payment field, not as % of the course price. For example, $50 instead of 50%.

Another point, if a user orders the course and pays the amount of advance payment, how should he be invoiced for the remainder?

Can you please clarify what do you mean by 'Course Prize'? I see it in code, in language keys, and in the database. Is it a misspelling of price?
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Re: Advance Payment

Post by alfa24 »

Forma ecommerce is quite ridiculous. It should be integrated with a true ecommerce.
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Re: Advance Payment

Post by canelli »

advance payment option in course payments. The option is available in each course details as % of total price,
The label of the advanced payment it's truly bad and confusionary. The "%" is mispelled.

The real meaming of advance payment is
The real ammount that a user must pay before attends a course.

course cost = 120
advanced payment = 50
The user must made a transaction of 50 to enter the course.
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Claudio Anelli
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Re: Advance Payment

Post by max »

tempuser wrote: Can you please clarify what do you mean by 'Course Prize'? I see it in code, in language keys, and in the database. Is it a misspelling of price?
Yes, it's a misspelling of price.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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