Dripfeeding course content

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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Dripfeeding course content

Post by kaanb »


Is it possible to dripfeed content for a course? My intended scenario is for a course to have 4 main modules (each containing html pages, quizes, videos etc) , each module to be unlocked every 30 days from the user subscription date (total duration of course 4 months). So, user gets immediate access to Module 1, waits for 30 days, gets access to (previously locked) Module 2, next 30 days gets access to Module 3 and so on. Is this possible with Forma LMS? How would I go about it? Thank you in advance.
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Re: Dripfeeding course content

Post by max »

Hi, welcome on board.

No, you cannot do that in Forma. The most similar thing you can do is to publish a module on a given date: it won't be visible until that date. But it will be the same date for everybody.
What you want to achieve needs a specific development.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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Re: Dripfeeding course content

Post by kaanb »

Thank you for your answer! I'm thinking an alternative method to implement the above scenario. Maybe format the Modules as separate courses and email an access code to each course/module every month via autoresponder sequence ...
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Re: Dripfeeding course content

Post by alfa24 »

Not a solution. You need a developer.
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