Chat and video conference

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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Chat and video conference

Post by meld06 »

I've assigned the video conference and chat menu to self-training / student area but it does not appear.
I did the same thing for the self-training / teacher area but the operation failed. I tried several times but it failed each time (the operation succeeded for the student area).
I've activated the bigbluebutton plugin. I also activated the conference video in the settings to user area in the lms.
Now, how make the video conference and the chat working ?
Thank you for your help
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Re: Chat and video conference

Post by max »

1) did you assign those two items from the menu settings in the admin area? In that case, to make them appear in your course, you have to re-assign the menu to the course.
2) you cannot assign the same menu item to more than one area.... if you assigned them to the student area, that's where it will appear. Of course teachers and students will need to have different permissions, please assign the appropriate ones.
3) once you have the chat menu item in your course menu, just click on it and start chatting. If you're the only one online, you'll chat alone
4) BBB: do you have a working BBB installation or account? If yes ,you need to configure your account information in the BBB plugin
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Chat and video conference

Post by meld06 »

Thank you for your reply.
Yes I assigned the two items from the menu settings in the admin area. How can we do to re-assign the menu to the course in order to make them appear ?
Do we have to get paid BBB account to install it on forma lms ?
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Re: Chat and video conference

Post by max »

You reassign the menu from the administration area, from the course list page. One of the buttons is "assign menu"
BBB: BBB is an open source product, you have either to install it on a server or to buy some kind of bbb cloud hosting service from a vendor
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Chat and video conference

Post by meld06 »

Thank you very much.

I tried the chat on different navigators but each time there are multiple lines like below surrounding the chat box. Is there a way to configure the chat ?

Strict Standards: Non-static method PlatformManager::createInstance() should not be called statically in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/lib/lib.platform.php on line 342

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/lib/lib.platform.php on line 50

Warning: mysqli_query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/db/drivers/docebodb.mysqli.php on line 113

Strict Standards: Non-static method PlatformManager::createInstance() should not be called statically in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/lib/lib.utils.php on line 552

Strict Standards: Non-static method PlatformManager::createInstance() should not be called statically in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/lib/lib.utils.php on line 552

Strict Standards: Non-static method PlatformManager::createInstance() should not be called statically in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/lib/lib.utils.php on line 552

Strict Standards: Non-static method PlatformManager::createInstance() should not be called statically in /homepages/43/d759802513/htdocs/BC/lib/lib.utils.php on line 552
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Re: Chat and video conference

Post by max »

sorry, but there is nothing to configure... Maybe there is something wrong with your installation
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Chat and video conference

Post by alfa24 »

You can try to comment out error_reporting calls in the following files:

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