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Course Shop Cart Page not showing

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:24 pm
by gbslearning
If I log into formalms I can click LMS in the top menu and it takes me to the shop where the courses are listed.

However if I log out and enter the direct url I always get taken to the login page >

Is this normal behaviour for the standard formalms installation? Do visitors have to log in see the courses? Do I have to create a catalog and add courses to it?

When I look at the demo I can go to the shop where all the courses are listed. ... logue/show


Re: Course Shop Cart Page not showing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:14 pm
by max
let me just make some clarifications.

BEFORE the login
You can have a public catalogue that displays some or all the courses available in your Lms. You can enable or disable this feature in the LMS settings, and you can decide if a course has to be publicly visible or not in the settings of the course itself

AFTER the login
you can have either the "My Courses" or the "Catalog" as the default home page after the login. The Catalog being what you call the Shop

Re: Course Shop Cart Page not showing

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:17 pm
by gbslearning
Thanks Max for the clarification.

So just to clarify further, if I go to admin/e-learning/courses/course-catalog then create a catalog this would be the public catalogue?


Re: Course Shop Cart Page not showing

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:40 pm
by max
no, there's no need to create a "specific" catalog. That section is meant to have different "private" catalogs for different types of users once they are logged in. For example "Sales courses" for sales people, or "Safety courses" for production workers and so on.

To enable a public catalogue, simply enable this feature

you can find it at administration>settings>system config>settings>elearning