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Test not automatically assigned to subscribed users

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:23 pm
by jamesd

I have five courses set up. Each was originally a set of LOs within an original larger course and created by copying the larger course five times and in each copy removing the LOs that did not apply.

All seemed to be okay until I started adding Tests to each one. We can successfully onboard new users using codes at registration to assign the courses to them automatically but for some reason the test LO in each one is not being assigned to the new users.

How can we make sure the test(s) inside the course are assigned to the users automatically just like the course itself?


The first attachment shows our administrator and two users that have been manually assigned to the test by using the Access option within the Test LO. The two test 'Appleseed' students have been automatically subscribed to the course on registration using a code but have not been automatically included in the test.

The second attachment shows that they have been subscribed to the course. Without the test they can't complete it though and we are not wanting to have to manually assign the test to every user in every one of our five courses.

Hope the community can help…

Re: Test not automatically assigned to subscribed users

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:36 pm
by alfa24
Leave the Tests access list blank and they'll be automatically visible to everyone.

Re: Test not automatically assigned to subscribed users

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:47 pm
by jamesd
Aha! That worked. Thank you so much

Any idea why when refreshing the page and the student logged in again (I guess the session ended) but when returned to /appLms/index.php?modname=organization&op=organization&id_module_sel=25 did the student get this message: "You can't access to oragnization"

Re: Test not automatically assigned to subscribed users

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:00 pm
by alfa24
Because when logging out every session variable is destroyed, included the one where idCourse is stored. So you can't access a list of LOs without being entered the course first.

Re: Test not automatically assigned to subscribed users

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:05 pm
by jamesd

Re: Test not automatically assigned to subscribed users

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:48 pm
by max
Yes, the "access" function is meant to limit those who can see a certain LO. If everybody needs to see something there's no need to use it.