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Failure to create a new course

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:51 pm
by leoruizb

I installed Forma LMS in my hosting using Softaculous.
Version : 2.3.0
Release Date : 03-12-2019

Everything work perfect. I change the language to spanish. No problem, work perfect.

When I tried to create a new course I get this error:
Error while processing the requested operation.

I was tried many times but I got the same message.

Can anybody help me, please?



Re: Failure to create a new course

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:13 pm
by max
Hi Leo and welcome,

please search on the forum before posting a new thread. This topic has been dealt with many times. I suppose it has to do with missing permissions.
Also, please check if you meet the installation requirements.