Deleting old Certificates

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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FormaLms User
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Version: forma.lms 2.0
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Deleting old Certificates

Post by Graeme59 »

Happy New Year to everyone in the Forma family!

I am planning some tidying up on the LMS and have a folder /public_html/files/appLms/Certificate full of 2500 certificates from 2020/21/22/23 weighing in at 2.5GB.

Is it safe to back these up offline and delete the older certificates, (can they be generated again if anyone requires them) or do I need to do anything to the database to stop a catastrophic meltdown?

Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:04 am

Re: Deleting old Certificates

Post by nihil »

Hi Graeme,

Regarding your question about the certificates, here are some considerations:

If you back up the certificates offline and delete the older ones, it could potentially cause issues. Once a certificate is generated, Forma typically doesn’t allow for regeneration. Additionally, deleting files directly might lead to problems for users who may need to re-download their certificates from the platform.

Removing certificates from the database might not be a straightforward solution either. The generation process often involves setting the certificate’s release date, and if this date is embedded in the certificate (as is commonly done), a regenerated certificate would have a new date, not the original one.

While we believe that regenerating certificates after deletion could be problematic, you may consider conducting a test by deleting one of them from the FTP and checking if it can be successfully regenerated. This would give you a clearer understanding of the potential impact on the system.

However, keep in mind that if users have reasons to re-download their certificates after deletion, they might face difficulties if the files are no longer available.

Hope this helps, and feel free to reach out if you have further questions or concerns.

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