Create group with "_ " not possible
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:58 pm
I have a really weird situation here...
I have moved the customers LMS to a new server. Since then I can not create a group containing an underline "_". When trying to save I get the error message attached:
My customers format of naming the group should look like this YY_WW_CourseLevel. When I use other special characters like "-" or "." I can create new groups....
What could be the possibility for that behavior?
Dcoebo Version 4.0.4
MySQL information
MySQL version: 5.1.66-0ubuntu0.10.04.3
Sql mode: ""
Mysql Encoding: utf8
Mysql Collation: utf8_general_ci
Info about PHP
PHP version: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.18
"safe_mode" configuration: Off
Configuration of "register_global": Off
Configuration of "magic_quotes_gpc": Off
Configuration of "upload_max_filesize": 128M
Configuration of "post_max_size": 8M
Configuration of "max_execution_time": 60s
LDAP: Off Consider this parameter only if you need to authenticate through LDAP
Configuration of "allow_url_include": Off
I have a really weird situation here...

I have moved the customers LMS to a new server. Since then I can not create a group containing an underline "_". When trying to save I get the error message attached:
My customers format of naming the group should look like this YY_WW_CourseLevel. When I use other special characters like "-" or "." I can create new groups....
What could be the possibility for that behavior?
Dcoebo Version 4.0.4
MySQL information
MySQL version: 5.1.66-0ubuntu0.10.04.3
Sql mode: ""
Mysql Encoding: utf8
Mysql Collation: utf8_general_ci
Info about PHP
PHP version: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.18
"safe_mode" configuration: Off
Configuration of "register_global": Off
Configuration of "magic_quotes_gpc": Off
Configuration of "upload_max_filesize": 128M
Configuration of "post_max_size": 8M
Configuration of "max_execution_time": 60s
LDAP: Off Consider this parameter only if you need to authenticate through LDAP
Configuration of "allow_url_include": Off