Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 6:16 am
formalms ver 2.2
I am try to create a curricula.
The curricula contains several course (Algebra, Calculus I, Calculus II, etc)
Algebra is prerequisite for Cal I and Cal II.
The workflow is not working because there is hyperlink in Cal I and Cal II, but
the prerequisite has not been met. The Algebra course has not been completed.
I am taking the following steps:
1-Create a new user
2- Create the courses (Alg, Cal I, Cal II)
3-Create the Curricula, assign the courses, prepare the order for the prerequisite and finally assign the user.
4-log in as the new user, go to the curricula tab, click expand . The first course show the black check-mark, the second show the lock but
the hyperlink is active on the course with the lock even though there is a prerequirement.
The hyperlink should not be available until the prerequirement is completed.
info about the link:
<a class="std_link" href="/forums.html?modname=course&op=aula&idCourse=4">Calculus I</a>
see image: sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached - (no able to show image)
Thank you for you help.
I am try to create a curricula.
The curricula contains several course (Algebra, Calculus I, Calculus II, etc)
Algebra is prerequisite for Cal I and Cal II.
The workflow is not working because there is hyperlink in Cal I and Cal II, but
the prerequisite has not been met. The Algebra course has not been completed.
I am taking the following steps:
1-Create a new user
2- Create the courses (Alg, Cal I, Cal II)
3-Create the Curricula, assign the courses, prepare the order for the prerequisite and finally assign the user.
4-log in as the new user, go to the curricula tab, click expand . The first course show the black check-mark, the second show the lock but
the hyperlink is active on the course with the lock even though there is a prerequirement.
The hyperlink should not be available until the prerequirement is completed.
info about the link:
<a class="std_link" href="/forums.html?modname=course&op=aula&idCourse=4">Calculus I</a>
see image: sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached - (no able to show image)
Thank you for you help.