The Elearning Community • Refreshing a test question page the page is blank
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Refreshing a test question page the page is blank

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:43 pm
by eduardomozart
Hello guys,
Not sure if it can be considered a bug, but I believe it may something worth looking on. When creating a SC question on a existing test, refreshing the page through the "Refresh" button the page seems to be reloaded as expected, but when reloading it through the URL the user is redirected to a blank page, as can be seen on GIF below:


Re: Refreshing a test question page the page is blank

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:24 pm
by alfa24
Why would you expect a differenti behaviour? It happens whenever you're refreshing a page referred by a post submission, as in this case.
Many pages in Forma will have this relation with their referrals.

Re: Refreshing a test question page the page is blank

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:17 pm
by eduardomozart
It would be great if Forma handle those kind of situation, maybe redirecting the user to the same form or last page, to avoid confunding the end user. Microsoft deals with those kind of issues on their Microsoft 365 Admin Center website.

Re: Refreshing a test question page the page is blank

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:52 am
by alfa24
I'm afraid you're not fully aware about how http referrals work. It's a protocol level matter.
Anyway yes, Forma should handle restful full page requests, and a ten other things too about that, but I think much water will flow under the bridges before this comes true.

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