
Free Webinar - The New Free Plugins for Forma LMS
This year, Forma is giving more value to company members by making three plugins available for free. Let's discover them together!

Take the Survey and Help Us Improve Forma!
While working on our Forma 5 quantum leap, we need your help to evaluate the present features.

Free Webinar - The Road to Forma 5
Would you like to have more details about the Forma 5 work in progress? Come to the webinar!

Early Bird Special: Join or Renew Your Membership Before Year-End!
By subscribing or renewing your membership before the end of the year, you'll enjoy significant benefits, including early access to the brand-new Forma 4.1!

Catch the Early Bird and become a Forma Member!
Take advantage of early bird discounts to become a member of Forma Association or to renew membership.

Isn't it Time to get the Latest Forma LMS Release?
Are you using an old version of Forma LMS, like 1.4? It's time you leave it behind and download the newest version

Free Webinar: Forma LMS Plugins
What are Forma plugins and what are they useful for? Sign up for our free webinar to find out more! The webinar will be held in Italian

Get a 20 € Gift Card with Forma!
Make your voice count and get a 20 € gift card by reviewing Forma LMS on Capterra.

Merry Christmas from Forma!
Another year has gone by and here we are, ready to celebrate again!
Annual General Assembly 2021
Piacenza, 20 april 2021
In accordance with articles 14 and 15 of the Statute of the association "forma.association" and Italian Government DL 18/2020 art 106, is convened the
ordinary session
in video conference, channel reference:
- System: Google meet
- Meeting ID:
- Direct link:
- first call on Friday 14 May 2021 at 06:00 CEST
- second call on Friday 14 May 2021 at 17:00 CEST
to discuss the following:
1. Report of the president
2. Approval of the final balance 2020
3. Approval of provisional balance 2021
4. Election of Board of Directors years 2021-2023
5. Miscellaneous and possible.
Official language: Italian (we will try to translate in english if need)
Members who intend to submit their candidacy to the Board of Directors must send an email to
In accordance with article 14 of the Articles of Association, "(omissis) ... Each member can be represented at the meeting by a delegate, in turn, a member. Each member can have a maximum of three proxies ".
The president
Claudio Anelli

Get a Gift Card with Forma!
Your opinion matters, share it! Write a review of Forma Lms on Capterra and get a gift card!

Be a Forma Member With Early Bird Discount
In December, take your early bird chance to become a Forma.association member or to renew your annual membership.
Annual General Assembly 2020
The annual general assembly of the forma.association will be held on October 23
New documentation website!
Great news today, Here it is, so long awaited, so much requested, the forma documentation website is finally available!
Forma Forum and Website are now integrated!
The Elearning Community Forum and the Forma LMS website are now integrated:
- Authentication: registered users will be able to easily access with a single login all the present and future services, including downloads, forum, newsletters, and more to come.
- User Profile: manage your profile preferences and anssocioacion membership in the same place
- Navigation: the forum is now integrated with the website, under the same domain and navigation, for a seamless user experience
A few more details about this integration:
- Already registered?: just login with your user and forum password. If you experience any problem, please completely delete your browser cache. If you were registered to both websites with different usernames, they will both work: just let us know if you have any membership and wish to keep only your former forum account.
- Privacy concerns: the and domains and websites are both owned and run by the forma.association, so nothing has changed regarding your data privacy.
This integration will simplify your access, and help us providing you with more integrated services and solutions, hope you will appreciate it :)
If have any doubt or request, please CONTACT US
Have fun! The Forma Team

Forma Lms comes to London - 2020
Your favourite LMS comes to London for the Learning Technologies Exhibition, (12 - 13 february 2020 at ExCel London) - !
We want to take a look at the latest trends in our enviroment, so we can come back and make Forma Lms even more valuable and rich of features.
And - of course - we want to meet all our loyal followers that will visit the exhibition.
Please get in touch with us to arrange for a meeting, our schedule is quickly filling. This is our contact information:
Max Ferrari
Whatsapp and Mobile Phone: +39 (347) 7994313
Crowdfunding for LO Refactoring
While beginning working on the next major release, FORMA 3.0, we decided to launch the first crowdfunding campaign to foster and accelerate the development of one of the main and most wanted improvement planned for this release: the complete refactoring of the learning object presentation and management area.
The idea of crowdfunding parts of the core development was first proposed by some association members during the latest forma.experience meeting, in May 2019: we then launched a survey on a group of users and collected enthusiastic consent so... here we are, LET'S TRY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!
But, what is this campaign for, and how it works?
Forma LMS at Expotraining 2019
Curious about FORMA 3.0?
Yes, version 3.0 is already under development: the new features and the roadmap to the next major release of you favourite LMS will be officially presented at EXPOTRAINING 2019 in MILAN.
Plus, the forma.association partners will held a set of workshops about some trends and strategies to approach your elearning projects.
Don't miss this event:
Join the forma.experience 2019
Here it is, the first official meeting for all the forma users will be held in Milan, May 22 2019. Save the date!
Forma Lms goes to London!
Your favourite LMS goes to London for the Learning Technologies Exhibition - 13th-14th February at ExCel London - !
We want to take a look at the latest trends in our enviroment, so we can come back and make Forma Lms even more valuable and rich of features.
And - of course - we want to meet all our loyal followers that will visit the exhibition.
Please get in touch with us to arrange for a meeting, our schedule is quickly filling. This is our contact information:
Max Ferrari
Whatsapp and Mobile Phone: +39 (347) 7994313