We have been inspired by this article to talk about a combination that is progressively conquering the best organizations: LMS platforms and social learning. As a matter of fact, in order to make their training programs more attractive and engaging, some organizations are increasingly leveraging LMS with Social learning capabilities.
Among the innumerable ways in which humans learn, Social learning is undoubtedly one of the most effective. According to Albert Bandura and his Social Learning Theory, humans' learning process happens through 4 steps:
- Attention
- Retention
- Reproduction
- Motivation
As interaction, collaboration and the lack of a structured approach are very important in the retention of knowledge, it is clear that, as a consequence, learning is more effective in a social environment. Social learning happens to us almost every day without us being aware of it. This is the reason why, nowadays, one of the leading approaches to use social learning is through an LMS.
Let's have a look at some of the ways in which an LMS can heighten students' attention and participation as well as potentiate the role of social learning.
Social Media and Forums
Through the integration of social media, an LMS can provide various ways of learning. Social learning is very effective in this case, because it offers learners the opportunity to connect with their peers and exchange knowledge. Likewise, discussion forums are the most common tools that LMS exploit for Social learning. Students can share and comment, interact, post questions, get answers and, in general, share information. Students can also create their own communities to share their knowledge and skills.
Live Streamings and Webinars
When students are connected online on an LMS, real-time sharing becomes much easier. To have a better interactive experience, live streamings and webinars can also be used. These modalities have a very important advantage, which is the presence of an instructor/trainer who can directly interact with learners. In this case, a chat room allows feedback in real time. Through these means, learning can be approached through multiple styles: audio, video, infographics, interactive programs and sharing contents through social media.
Self-learning and User Generated Content
With an LMS provided with Social learning functionality learners can access contents 24h/7. This undoubtedly encourages self-learning and motivation to goal achievement. Also due to the sense of competittion, in a social environment learners are more motivated to work harder and compete at the highest level, thus improving ttheir skills. As a consequence, one of the key impacts of Social learning via LMS is user generated content. Everyone loves to share their successes, especially on social platforms and this applies to positive experience using your LMS as well. Organizations can of course use testimonials and feedbacks as to further promote their training programs.
An LMS with integrated "Social learning" functions ensures that learners are given the desired training and, most importantly, provides information on learner's involvement as well as on the aspects that can be improved.