Articulate Storyline Configuration for Mobile Devices

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Articulate Storyline Configuration for Mobile Devices

Post by eklar »

Hello! I am trying to upload an Articulate Storyline file (SCORM 2004, 3rd edition). In the publishing configuration in Storyline, I am checking the boxes:

Include HTML5 output
Use Articulate Mobile Player on iPad

During testing, the full course screen is not appearing on mobile devices - particularly iPads. The next button is cut off in the lower right hand corner and the user has trouble advancing. We've tested on multiple versions of iPads. Is there anything I should know about the configurations in Storyline to ensure the course is viewable on a mobile device, or are there additional configurations in Docebo that I need to be aware of?

I appreciate any advice/guidance.

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Re: Articulate Storyline Configuration for Mobile Devices

Post by max »

Hi Elisabeth,
sorry for not replying earlier.

Yes, we're aware that Storyline content on Docebo / Forma on iPads has that kind of issues. That has to do with:
- how docebo-forma treat Scorm's (e.g. into an iFrame inside another iFrame)
- how the iPad treats iFrames (iPads do not like this double iframe structure)
- how Articulate Storyline automatically resizes on an iOS device such as an iPad

We could successfully solve the first two issues and modify the scorm player to be iOs compliant BUT we run into a Storyline bug that Articulate didn't solve (we didn't check if the latest releases they issued solves this): storyline calculates wrongly the space it needs on an iOs device, meaning that the content still gets cut. Only 10px on the right and 10px at the bottom, but still a nuisance.
We opened a bug ticket to Articulate, but with no avail.
This is the thread we opened some months ago: ... 84827.aspx

That is why we didn't release our modification.

In the meanwhile, the only workaround I can suggest you is to publish an alternative version (publish for web) and link it as an external link in your lms. It's not optimal (the LO completion won't be tracked) but at least it works.

Last thing: the Articulate Mobile Player is very good if you want to display your LO as "web" objects. It's not integrated with D405/Forma.

One last-last thing: Storyline objects behave in the same way (i.e. don't work) in Moodle.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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