Test score problem

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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Test score problem

Post by kodokbakar »

I have a bug where the test score does not appear on the report and the gradebook, however when the student view it on the report card or the history it appears. On the report and gradebook it's treated as if the test is not taken.This is how it looks like from the gradebook https://ibb.co/dtfb4wV
and this is how it looks like from the student. https://ibb.co/hCM9C4n

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Re: Test score problem

Post by alfa24 »

Hi, It's not properly a bug, but yes, I can confirm the described issue: it's not on the gradebook module, it's on the users/objects grid (coursestats module).
The coursestats module is not querying for scores in that view.
To correctly show the score, the controller function getUserTrackInfo should be extended.
Consequently, you'll be able to access to the returned score value.
If you need help with that, you can contact me.
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