Auto-Subscribing New Students

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Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Is there a way to have new students automatically subscribed to certain courses as soon as their user account is approved?

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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

Hi, welcome on board!

Sure there is. The best way to do that is using the "enrollment rules" you can find under Administration>elearning>enrollment rules
You can define rules that apply to org chart nodes or roles, and decide that once there's a new user in a node (or in a role) he has to be enrolled to one or more courses.

This applies to self-registered users or to users that you create as an administrator.

If you are using self registration to the LMS you have to couple that with the options you can set in "registration code usage" under Configuration>main options>user.

For example: force users to choose one org chart node when they self-register (Ask for a tree code chosen by the user from a list in a dropdown menu) and they'll be enrolled to courses related to that node.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Thanks for the welcome and the information. Could I get a little more clarification on the self-registration options please? This is for self-registering users who will be the only org/student group on this instance of the LMS. We want the sign-up and subscription to be seamless and instant, with little or no effort from the student. They register, get approved, and their classes are there as soon as they log in.

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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »


so, if you don't want to distinguish between different user groups, it's even easier.

You can profit of the "basic" automatic enrollment rules.
Just go to enrollment rules, modify the "New user" rule, add the courses you want users to be automatically registered by clicking on "modify" and adding the courses (click on the icon next to the green one, click on "add courses" and follow the wizard until you finish configuring the rule).
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

That worked perfectly. Thanks for the assistance. One more related question: as I add new courses to the LMS and the enrollment rules for new users, is there a way to ensure existing usera are subscribed to any new courses automatically?

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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

You just need to update the "new user" rule by adding the new courses to it.
It doesn't automatically update courses, since you might not want everybody to be subscribed to everything.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

We are having a new issue with new user enrollments. We added our classes to the enrollment rules, and new students were getting auto enrolled. However, if a course has sub-courses beneath it, the students are only enrolled in the primary course, but not the sub-courses. We went back and manually added all students to the sub-courses, which worked for existing students. However, now new students cannot see any classes, ever though the classes are in the enrollment rules. The new students show as subscribed to the courses, but the see nothing when they login. How do we have sub-classes added to auto-enrollment and how do we fix the new users who see nothing when they log in, even though they are subscribed?
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by alberto »

What do you mean by "sub-courses"? If you mean editions, consider that the enrollment policies at the moment only allow you to choose standard courses, no way to select specific edition is provided yet: if you select the master title of and edition course the uses couldn't be subscribed to the specific editions, and so they won't be able to access the course.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Thank you for your input. I don't mean editions. Lectures or course materials would probably be more accurate terminology. Students are subscribed to a course, but the course materials, or modules, inside of the course are not visible.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

Hi, maybe there is a major misunderstanding as to how visibility to course materials works....
- when a user is subscribed to a course, you don't have to assign course materials to him, he already sees everything...
- if you do assign materials to some users, then of course all the others (any new subscribed users) do not see them until they are assigned the materials as well

If I understand well your issue, just remove all the assignments you've made and everybody will see everything
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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