Course Document TreeView Display
Course Document TreeView Display
Hi i would like to know what is the file that process and structure Course document treeview, where is it located i wanna Customise it.
i have been trying to find it i can not set it thanks.
i have been trying to find it i can not set it thanks.
Re: Course Document TreeView Display
Hi, the module is here:
Re: Course Document TreeView Display
function organization_display( &$treeView ) {
// print conainer div and form
TrackUser::setActionTrack(getLogUserId(), $_SESSION['idCourse'], 'organization', 'view');
global $modname, $op;
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '<div class="std_block">' );
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '<form id="orgshow" method="post"'
.' action="/forums.html?modname='.$modname.'&op='.$op.'"'
.' >'."\n"
.'<input type="hidden" id="authentic_request_org" name="authentic_request" value="'.Util::getSignature().'" />');
if( funAccess('moditem','MOD', TRUE, 'organization' ) ) {
$treeView->withActions = TRUE;
} else {
$tdb = $treeView->getTreeDb();
$GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->load());
if( funAccess('moditem','MOD', TRUE, 'organization' ) ) {
$GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->loadActions() );
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '</form>' );
// print form for import action
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '</div>' );
YuiLib::load(array(), array());
Util::get_js(Get::rel_path('base').'/addons/shadowbox/shadowbox-yui.js', true, true);
Util::get_js(Get::rel_path('base').'/addons/shadowbox/shadowbox.js', true, true);
$GLOBALS['page']->add( ''
.'<script type="text/javascript">
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {
var options = { listenOverlay:false, overlayOpacity:"0.8",
loadingImage:"'.getPathImage('lms').'standard/loading.gif", overlayBgImage:"'.getPathImage('lms').'standard/overlay-85.png",
text: {close: "'. Lang::t('_CLOSE').'", cancel: "'. Lang::t('_UNDO').'", loading:"'. Lang::t('_LOADING').'" },
onOpen: function (gallery) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "'. Lang::t('_CONFIRM').'"; } }
Shadowbox.close = function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.frames[\'shadowbox_content\'].uiPlayer.closePlayer(true, window);
</script>' );
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '<script type="text/javascript">'
."var lb = new LightBox();
var Config = {};
Config.langs = {_CLOSE: '".Lang::t('_CLOSE', 'standard')."'};
.'</script>' );
i see on the function above that you process form.
with this function $GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->load()); - you created treeview object of which display the output is this a correct class found on lib lib.treeview.php ?
// print conainer div and form
TrackUser::setActionTrack(getLogUserId(), $_SESSION['idCourse'], 'organization', 'view');
global $modname, $op;
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '<div class="std_block">' );
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '<form id="orgshow" method="post"'
.' action="/forums.html?modname='.$modname.'&op='.$op.'"'
.' >'."\n"
.'<input type="hidden" id="authentic_request_org" name="authentic_request" value="'.Util::getSignature().'" />');
if( funAccess('moditem','MOD', TRUE, 'organization' ) ) {
$treeView->withActions = TRUE;
} else {
$tdb = $treeView->getTreeDb();
$GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->load());
if( funAccess('moditem','MOD', TRUE, 'organization' ) ) {
$GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->loadActions() );
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '</form>' );
// print form for import action
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '</div>' );
YuiLib::load(array(), array());
Util::get_js(Get::rel_path('base').'/addons/shadowbox/shadowbox-yui.js', true, true);
Util::get_js(Get::rel_path('base').'/addons/shadowbox/shadowbox.js', true, true);
$GLOBALS['page']->add( ''
.'<script type="text/javascript">
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {
var options = { listenOverlay:false, overlayOpacity:"0.8",
loadingImage:"'.getPathImage('lms').'standard/loading.gif", overlayBgImage:"'.getPathImage('lms').'standard/overlay-85.png",
text: {close: "'. Lang::t('_CLOSE').'", cancel: "'. Lang::t('_UNDO').'", loading:"'. Lang::t('_LOADING').'" },
onOpen: function (gallery) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "'. Lang::t('_CONFIRM').'"; } }
Shadowbox.close = function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.frames[\'shadowbox_content\'].uiPlayer.closePlayer(true, window);
</script>' );
$GLOBALS['page']->add( '<script type="text/javascript">'
."var lb = new LightBox();
var Config = {};
Config.langs = {_CLOSE: '".Lang::t('_CLOSE', 'standard')."'};
.'</script>' );
i see on the function above that you process form.
with this function $GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->load()); - you created treeview object of which display the output is this a correct class found on lib lib.treeview.php ?
Re: Course Document TreeView Display
i wanna confirm if load() function is being called form $treeView
because on function organization_display( &$treeView ) is see this line of code :
$GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->load());
if which displays the content to a browser , if i go to lib.treeview.php i get the function load() within it i get the build up of treeview structure
where the are DIV and classes attributes.
what i wanna change is TreeViewContainer class and add my custom class please help. because i have tried changing it but still load the old class of which is TreeViewContainer
because on function organization_display( &$treeView ) is see this line of code :
$GLOBALS['page']->add( $treeView->load());
if which displays the content to a browser , if i go to lib.treeview.php i get the function load() within it i get the build up of treeview structure
where the are DIV and classes attributes.
what i wanna change is TreeViewContainer class and add my custom class please help. because i have tried changing it but still load the old class of which is TreeViewContainer
Re: Course Document TreeView Display
Hi, the module that makes up the tree of learnig object is "organization."
The tree will be loaded from the "load function ()" in "appLms/modules/organization/orglib.php" .
all information is placed in a stack, which is passed in turn to printElement () function.
The tree will be loaded from the "load function ()" in "appLms/modules/organization/orglib.php" .
all information is placed in a stack, which is passed in turn to printElement () function.
Re: Course Document TreeView Display
Thanks appreciate it
Re: Course Document TreeView Display
is it possible to change treeview div structure to ul structure so that i can do accordion.
please help
please help