Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

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Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

Have done a fresh install of 1.4.2 on Red Hat Linux -- LAMP server, Install seems to have completed and administrator account/password created during the process lets me log in and create a user, but neither that user (nor the administrator) can seem to add learning content to a course. I have successfully done the course creation and added scorm content on the demo site so I don't think I am making user mistakes. It just doesn't offer the course as an option for upload.

I am probably making a rookie mistake here. But I can't find anywhere I am missing something.

Also the */install/ php is still available, shouldn't it be disabled if the install succeeds?
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by max »

Hi Skip,
welcome aboard.

Let me try and understand what you are saying, by explaining the simple process of creating a course and uploading content.

- course creation is done in the administration area
- you create a course (an empty container) and are automatically enrolled as a course admin, unless you de-select that option during the creation of the course
- content uploading is done in the front end (the LMS area)
- since you are a course admin, you should see the teacher area > learning obj management area.

Do you see the "Elearning" TAB in the front end? Is that tab turned on?
Do you see the Teacher area menu

Since you already used the demo site, I suppose you already know what to do, but from what you are saying I cannot understand what you are lacking.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

I create a course as administrator, code = 9, name is = "Windows 10", I put in a description, etc. and submit it and it says successful. I then click on "Jump to LMS" and the default tab is "content library" it says "no content available", I click on the "E-learning" tab it says "no content available" and doesn't show any of the 3 courses like I would expect.
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

Correction/Sorry, the default tab must be E-learning, when I go to the page. If I click on the "content library " tab it has "no records found"
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

the URL at the top is " ... stercourse" in LMS mode.
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

during install it has::
Step 2: System Check

Server information
Server software : : Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)
PHP Version : : 5.3.3
Mysql Client Version : : 5.1.73
Multibyte Support: ON
mime_content_type() support: ON
Ldap : : ON
Openssl : : ON
Site Timezone: America/Denver
PHP Information :
magic_quotes_gpc : : OFF
Safe mode : : OFF
register_global : : OFF
allow_url_fopen : : ON
allow_url_include : : OFF
upload_max_filsize : : 1G
post_max_size : : 8M
max_execution_time : : 30s
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

In comparing it to the demo the short answer is no - I don't see the Teachers area. Did I mess something up in the course creation?
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by max »

when you created the course, did you notice a checkbox at the bottom of the course creation section? It is checked by default, and automatically enrolls you to the course you are creating.
Anyhow: once the course is created, you are taken back to the list of courses (in Administration). You should see a "1" in the field where the enrolled users are listed (yourself) and a "0" in the number of students (since when creating a course you are enrolled as a course administrator).

My guess is that you de-selected the auto-enrollment box, then you manually enrolled as a student. Therefore, you only see the student menu.
Am I right?

Content library: it is empty by default, you have to configure what you want to put in there and several other settings. But it's a different matter, we'll leave it for another topic...
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

Sorry, no. I had the auto-enrollment checked, and when I go to the list of courses it shows 1 subscription and 0 students. But LMS acts like subscription isn't checked. I have also manually edited another course and enrolled and neither show up. Still see "No content available" on E-learning tab. the Content library tab has No records found but, I know the courses are in the DB because the "Filter by" pulldown on that page lists both courses administrator is subscribed to.
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Re: Install complete but can't add scorm to a course

Post by skipmcdonald »

In frustration I deleted the database and recreated it and ran the /Install pages again to completion, the url was still active on the site. Then logged in as administrator, created the course careful to leave the defaluts checked and got exactly the same results again this time with a clean new database.
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