Mass convert users to admin

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Mass convert users to admin

Post by jeffgtr »

I am upgrading to Froma 2.0 which moves public admins to users.

I am hoping to run a query that will update users that were formerly public admins to admins with an admin profile.

Looking through the database it appears that in the users table "core_users" field "level" should specify that they are a user or administrator.
Within User management I have set a user to Admin however when I look them up in the database the level is still "0"

Is there another table that links user ID's to roles (such as Administrator) additionally is there a table that assigns an user an Admin Profile?
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Re: Mass convert users to admin

Post by alberto »

No need for any db query, you can easily mass edit user level from user management:

1. Select the users you need to edit
2. Click on the "More Actions" link at the top or the bottom of the user list
3. Click edit
4. Set the desired level and save
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