Split topics into categories, courses

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Split topics into categories, courses

Post by maruggio »


I have several different topics to train in courses. I am asking how to organize them, I could split them into theme categories and I have dozens of courses or I could multiply the amount of topic categories and have then only few courses in each category. Or I extend the courses twith content. Or is there another approach? I am asking from a didactic as well as from an administrators view.

Curricula paired with elearning in editions is not yet the way for me, because I do not yet have all courses prepared, but could be future perspective.

What are your experiences about handling categories/courses when reuse of courses (next class) with slight modify is a main approach?

Many thanks for constructive hints

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Re: Split topics into categories, courses

Post by max »

Curricula is ok if you have prerequisites, you probably do not need editions. I.e.: take basic course then only after completing the basic course you can go to the advanced course, and so on

Separate courses is ok if you have similar content but with little differences according to the population that needs to take them

In general, if you have dozens of courses I would recommend that each course is a "macro-topic" with several different learning objects inside. If you have so many and each LO is a course, then maintenance and course management could become a nightmare...

Here's a quick example:

3 categories: Health & Safety, Compliance, Onboarding
Under the H&S create 3 courses
- general H&S (with N LO's) => to everybody
- specific risks (with N LO's) => to employees only
- specific risks for Managers (similar to the previous one) => to managers only

you can use curricula to force employees to take the general course before the one on specific risks. You don't even need to have the "curricula" tab enabled, the "learning path" will also work under the "my courses" page.
You can use another curriculum to have managers take general H&S + specific risks for them.

If you need to have 2 courses with more or less the same LO's inside, please use the "course copy" function. This will create a logical copy of your LO's but not a physical copy. That way you won't need to upload or maintain them in different places. When you use the course copy you can decide to copy all the LO's or just some of them.

Hope this helps.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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Re: Split topics into categories, courses

Post by maruggio »

Many thanks Max, yes that helps indeed (as always). I see your suggestion the macro topics as a possible solution I'll test.
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