implementing a new question type

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implementing a new question type

Post by myomoto »

Good day,

I have just one function I am using the FORMA LMS for, and that is testing. I'd like to use it for setting up a practice test for myself, and from what I see, there is just a couple of question types I need to add to make it viable. I've got the code already written for one of the types, but in the process of implementing it, I've put the class.<questiontype> in the /upgrade/modules/questions/ folder and when i load an exam to try and see how the operability of my code is, i get stopped with a 500 error as soon as I click 'test' to create a new one for my course. Can someone give me a run down for where I'd need to update for implementing new question types besides the class.questiontype.php file?
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Re: implementing a new question type

Post by alfa24 »

Please provide forma version and every single step to reproduce the issue.
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Re: implementing a new question type

Post by myomoto »

The version I am using is Forma LMS -

I wrote a custom class (class.dropdown.php) and placed it where I saw the other question types in /formalms/appLms/modules/question/. I mimicked the other question types to write the code.

In the same directory, there was class.question.php which called out the other question types, so I added the entry to call out the drop down class. My guess is, there's a conflict somewhere, but not sure where. I've attached these files to this thread.

After doing this, I logged into my site, created a new course with no content (because i only care about creating a test for myself). I entered the course, selected "teacher area", learning object management, and new learning object. When the list of new objects shows up, I click "test" and "New".

I'm instantly met with a 500 error and can go no further.

Since I can't attach the php files, I can email them if you need.

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Re: implementing a new question type

Post by alfa24 »

First of all, you need to insert entry for the new class in the db.
Second, you have errors in the code. See your server error logs.
Third, you didn't attach anything (I mean the code).
Per supporto GRATUITO contattatemi in privato qui
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Re: implementing a new question type

Post by myomoto »

You're right. I was missing the database entry. I'll attach to this thread. First I'll add the


<?php defined("IN_FORMA") or die('Direct access is forbidden.');

/* ======================================================================== \
| FORMA - The E-Learning Suite |
| |
| Copyright (c) 2013 (Forma) |
| |
| License |
| |
| from docebo 4.0.5 CE 2008-2012 (c) docebo |
| License |
\ ======================================================================== */

require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/class.question.php' );

class Dropdown_Question extends Question {

* class constructor
* @param int the unique database identifier of a question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function Dropdown_Question($id) {

* This function is useful for question recognition
* @return string return the identifier of the question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function getQuestionType() {
return 'dropdown';

* This function writes a GUI line for answer insertion
* @param int $i indicate the line number
* @return nothing
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _lineAnswer($i) {
$lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('test');

$GLOBALS['page']->add('<tr class="line_answer">'
.'<td class="test_ifcorrect">'
.'<label for="answer_'.$i.'">'.$lang->def('_TEST_ANSWER').'</label>'
.'<td class="image">'
.'<input type="text" class="test_answer" id="answer_'.$i.'" name="answer['.$i.']" value="'
.(isset($_REQUEST['answer'][$i]) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['answer'][$i]) : '').'" />'
.'</tr>'."\n", 'content');

* This function writes a GUI line for answer insertion, projected for modify
* @param int $i indicate the line number
* @return nothing
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _lineModAnswer($i) {
$lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('test');

$GLOBALS['page']->add('<tr class="line_answer">'
.'<td class="test_ifcorrect">'
.'<label for="answer_'.$i.'">'.$lang->def('_TEST_ANSWER').'</label>'
.'<td class="image">'
.'<input type="text" class="test_answer" id="answer_'.$i.'" name="answer['.$i.']" value="'
.(isset($_REQUEST['answer'][$i]) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['answer'][$i]) : '').'" />'
.'</tdTo add dropdown functionality to the class, you can modify the `_lineAnswer` and `_lineModAnswer` functions as follows:

* This function writes a GUI line for answer insertion
* @param int $i indicate the line number
* @return nothing
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _lineAnswer($i) {
$lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('test');

$GLOBALS['page']->add('<tr class="line_answer">'
.'<td class="test_ifcorrect">'
.'<label for="answer_'.$i.'">'.$lang->def('_TEST_ANSWER').'</label>'
.'<td class="image">'
.'<select class="test_answer" id="answer_'.$i.'" name="answer['.$i.']">'
.'<option value="option1">Option 1</option>'
.'<option value="option2">Option 2</option>'
.'</tr>'."\n", 'content');

* This function writes a GUI line for answer insertion, projected for modify
* @param int $i indicate the line number
* @return nothing
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _lineModAnswer($i) {
$lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('test');

$GLOBALS['page']->add('<tr class="line_answer">'
.'<td class="test_ifcorrect">'
.'<label for="answer_'.$i.'">'.$lang->def('_TEST_ANSWER').'</label>'
.'<td class="image">'
.'<select class="test_answer" id="answer_'.$i.'" name="answer['.$i.']">'
.'<option value="option1">Option 1</option>'
.'<option value="option2">Option 2</option>'
.'</tr>'."\n", 'content');
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:18 pm

Re: implementing a new question type

Post by myomoto »

next, here is:


<?php defined("IN_FORMA") or die('Direct access is forbidden.');

/* ======================================================================== \
| FORMA - The E-Learning Suite |
| |
| Copyright (c) 2013 (Forma) |
| |
| License |
| |
| from docebo 4.0.5 CE 2008-2012 (c) docebo |
| License |
\ ======================================================================== */

* Abstarct class for question (refer to Factory design pattners)
* @package Test Question
* @category Question
* @version $Id: class.question.php 662 2006-09-22 15:22:38Z fabio $
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
* @abstract


class Question {

protected $db;

* @var int $id contains the question identifier
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
protected $id;

protected $_table_category;

protected $title;

protected $categoryId;

protected $type;

protected $difficult;

protected $testId;

* class constructor
* @param int $id the unique database identifer of a question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function Question( $id ) {
$this->db = DbConn::getInstance();
if( $id !== NULL ) {
$this->id = $id;
$res = $this->db->query("SELECT idTest, idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult FROM %lms_testquest WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$id."'");
if ($res && $this->db->num_rows($res)>0) {
list( $this->testId, $this->categoryId, $this->type, $this->title, $this->difficult ) = $this->db->fetch_row($res);
$this->_table_category =$GLOBALS['prefix_lms'].'_quest_category';

* this function is useful for question recognize
* @return string return the identifier of the quetsion
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function getQuestionType() {
return 'question';

* @return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;

* @param int $id
* @return Question
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
return $this;

* @return mixed
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;

* @param mixed $title
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;

* @return mixed
public function getCategoryId()
return $this->categoryId;

* @param mixed $categoryId
public function setCategoryId($categoryId)
$this->categoryId = $categoryId;

* this function return the sequence value for a new question
* @param int $idTest indicates the test selected
* @return int is the first empty position in question sequencing for the test $idTest
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _getNextSequence( $idTest ) {

//select max sequence number
list($seq) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT MAX(sequence)
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idTest = '".$idTest."'"));
return ($seq + 1);

* this function correct the error in the sequence of the question's answer
* @return nothing
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])

function _fixAnswerSequence() {

$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
ORDER BY sequence, idAnswer");

$seq = 0;
while(list($id_answer ) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)){
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
SET sequence = '".(int)$seq."'
WHERE idAnswer = '".(int)$id_answer."'");

* this function return the page of the question
* @param int $idTest indicates the test selected
* @return int is the correct number of page for the question
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _getPageNumber( $idTest ) {

list($seq, $page) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT MAX(sequence), MAX(page)
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idTest = '".$idTest."'"));
if(!$page) return 1;

list($type_quest) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT type_quest
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE sequence = '".$seq."' AND idTest = '".$idTest."'"));
if($type_quest == 'break_page') return ($page + 1);
else return $page;

* this function return the score in a good format for a query
* @param double $score the score to format
* @return double the score formatted
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function _checkScore( $score ) {
$score = preg_replace('[,]','.', $score);
if( $score{0} == '.') $score = '0'.$score;
return $score;

* this function create a new question
* @param int $idTest indicates the test selected
* @param string $back_test indicates the return url
* @return nothing
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function create( $idTest, $back_test ) {


* this function modify a question
* @param string $back_test indicates the return url
* @return nothing
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function edit( $back_test ) {


* this function delete the question with the idQuest saved in the variable $this->id
* @return bool if the operation success return true else return false
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function del() {

return true;

* this function create a copy of a question and return the corresponding id
* usually a son of this class don't need to redefine this function
* @return int return the id of the new question if success else return false
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function copy( $new_id_test, $back_test = NULL ) {

//retriving question information
list($idCategory, $type_quest, $title_quest, $difficult, $time_assigned, $sequence, $page, $shuffle) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned, sequence, page, shuffle
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'"));

//insert the question copy
$ins_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
( idTest, idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned, sequence, page, shuffle ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_test."',
'".(int)$shuffle."' ) ";
if(!sql_query($ins_query)) return false;

//find the id of the inserted question
list($new_id_quest) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
if(!$new_id_quest) return false;

//retriving new answer
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, sequence, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
ORDER BY idAnswer");

$map_answer[0] = 0;
while(list($idAnswer, $seq, $is_correct, $answer, $comment, $score_c, $score_inc) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {

//insert answer
$ins_answer_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
( idQuest, sequence, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_quest."',
'".$this->_checkScore($score_inc)."') ";
if(!sql_query($ins_answer_query)) return false;

list($map_answer[$idAnswer]) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));

//retriving extra information for this question
$re_extra = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, extra_info
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest_extra
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'");

// save all the extra info, if there are
while(list($id_answer, $title_info) = sql_fetch_row($re_extra)) {
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest_extra
( idQuest, idAnswer, extra_info ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_quest."',
'".sql_escape_string($title_info)."' )")) return false;

return $new_id_quest;

function import( $format, $back_test = NULL ) {


function export( $id, $format, $back_test = NULL ) {


* display the quest for play, if
* @param int $num_quest the number of the quest to display in front of the quest title
* @param bool $shuffle_answer randomize the answer display order
* @param int $id_track where find the answer, if find -> load
* @param bool $freeze if true, when load disable the user interaction
* @param int $number_time the actual number of attempt
* @return string of html question code
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function play( $num_quest, $shuffle_answer = false, $id_track = 0, $freeze = false, $number_time = null ) {

return '';

* return true if the user as done this question
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function userDoAnswer( $id_track ) {

$recover_answer = "
SELECT idAnswer
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND
idTrack = '".(int)$id_track."'";
$re_answer_do = sql_query($recover_answer);

if(sql_num_rows($re_answer_do)) return true;
else return false;

* save the answer to the question in an proper format
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @param array $source source of the answer send by the user
* @param bool $can_overwrite if the answer for this question exists and this is true, the old answer
* is updated, else the old answer will be leaved
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function storeAnswer( Track_Test $trackTest, &$source, $can_overwrite = false ) {

return true;

* save the answer to the question in an proper format overwriting the old entry
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @param array $source source of the answer send by the user
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function updateAnswer( $id_track, &$source ) {

return true;

* delete the old answer
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function deleteAnswer( $id_track ) {

return true;

* force a score to a question
function setUserScore($id_track, $id_quest, $new_score) {

switch($this->getScoreSetType()) {
case "manual" : {

$query_update = "
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
SET score_assigned = '".$new_score."',
manual_assigned = '1'
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."'";

return sql_query($query_update);
case "auto" : {

$sel_answer = "
SELECT idAnswer
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."'";
list($id_answer) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($sel_answer));

$query_update = "
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
SET score_assigned = '0'
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."'";
$re = sql_query($query_update);

$query_update = "
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
SET score_assigned = '".$new_score."'
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."' AND idAnswer = '".$id_answer."'";
$re &= sql_query($query_update);

return $re;

* get the method used to obtain result automatic or manual
* @return string contain one of these value :
* 'none' if the question doesn't return any score (such as title or break_page)
* 'manual' if the score is set by a user,
* 'auto' if the system automatical assign a result
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function getScoreSetType() {

return 'none';

* get the maximum score for the question
* @return double the maximum score for a correct answer
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function getMaxScore() {

$max_score = 0;
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT score_correct
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'");
while(list($score_correct) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {
$max_score = round($max_score + $score_correct, 2);
return $max_score;

* set the maximum score for the question
* @param double $score the score that you want to set
* @return double return the effective point that will be assigned to the question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function getRealMaxScore( $score ) {

list($num_correct) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '1'"));

if(!$num_correct) $score_assigned = 0;
else $score_assigned = round($score / $num_correct, 2);

return round($score_assigned * $num_correct, 2);

* set the maximum score for the question
* @param double $score the score assigned to the question
* @return double contain the new maximum score for the question, can be different from the param $score
* because can be round
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function setMaxScore( $score ) {

list($num_correct) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '1'"));

if(!$num_correct) $score_assigned = 0;
else $score_assigned = round($score / $num_correct, 2);

$re_assign = sql_query("
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
SET score_correct = '0'
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '0'");

$re_assign = sql_query("
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
SET score_correct = '".$score_assigned."'
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '1'");
if(!$re_assign) return 0;
else return round($score_assigned * $num_correct, 2);

* return the user score for this question
* @param int $id_track the test relative to this question
* @param int $number_time the number of the attempt
* @return double return the score for the user or 0 if there isn't a track for the question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function userScore( $id_track, $number_time = null ) {

$score = 0;
$query = "SELECT score_assigned
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
AND idTrack = '".(int)$id_track."'";
if ($number_time != null){
$query .= " AND number_time = ".$number_time;
$query .= " ORDER BY number_time DESC LIMIT 1";
$re_answer = sql_query($query);
if(!sql_num_rows($re_answer)) return $score;
while(list($score_assigned) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {
$score = round($score + $score_assigned, 2);
return $score;

* display the question with the result of a user
* @param int $id_track the test relative to this question
* @param int $num_quest the quest sequence number
* @param int $number_time the quest attempt number
* @return array return an array with xhtml code in this way
* string 'quest' => the quest,
* double 'score' => score obtained from this question,
* string 'comment' => relative comment to the quest
* bool 'manual_assigned' => if the score is alredy assigned manually, this is true
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano ([email protected])
function displayUserResult( $id_track, $num_quest, $show_solution, $number_time = null ) {

return array( 'quest' => $num_quest.' : displayUserResult() not defined ! '.$this->getQuestionType().'<br />',
'score' => 0,
'comment' => '',
'manual_assigned' => 0 );

function importFromRaw($raw_quest, $id_test = false) {

if($id_test === false) $id_test = 0;

//insert question
$ins_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
( idQuest, idTest, idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned, sequence, page ) VALUES
'1' ) ";
if(!sql_query($ins_query)) return false;

//find id of auto_increment colum
list($new_id_quest) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
if(!$new_id_quest) return false;

if(!is_array($raw_quest->answers)) return $new_id_quest;

while(list(,$raw_answer) = each($raw_quest->answers)) {

//insert answer
$ins_answer_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
( idQuest, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_quest."',
'".$this->_checkScore($raw_answer->score_penalty)."') ";
if(!sql_query($ins_answer_query)) return false;
return $new_id_quest;

function getCategoryName($id_cat = null) {
if ($id_cat == null){
$id_cat = $this->categoryId;

$name = '';
$qtxt = "SELECT name "
."FROM ".$this->_table_category." "
."WHERE idCategory = '".$id_cat."' ";
$re = sql_query($qtxt);
list($name) = sql_fetch_row($re);

return $name;

function exportToRaw($id_test = false) {

//retriving question information
list($idCategory, $type_quest, $title_quest, $difficult, $time_assigned, ) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'"));

//insert the question copy
$oQuest = new QuestionRaw();
$oQuest->id = $this->id;
$oQuest->qtype = $this->getQuestionType();

$oQuest->id_category = $this->getCategoryName($idCategory);
$oQuest->quest_text = $title_quest;
$oQuest->difficult = $difficult;
$oQuest->time_assigned = $time_assigned;

$oQuest->answers = array();
$oQuest->extra_info = array();

//retriving new answer
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
ORDER BY idAnswer");
while(list($idAnswer, $is_correct, $answer, $comment, $score_c, $score_inc) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {

$oAnswer = new AnswerRaw();

$oAnswer->is_correct = $is_correct;
$oAnswer->text = $answer;
$oAnswer->comment = $comment;
$oAnswer->score_correct = $score_c;
$oAnswer->score_penalty = $score_inc;

$oQuest->answers[] = $oAnswer;

//retriving extra information for this question
$re_extra = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, extra_info
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest_extra
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'");

// save all the extra info, if there are
while(list($id_answer, $title_info) = sql_fetch_row($re_extra)) {

$oAnswer = new AnswerRaw();
$oAnswer->text = $title_info;

$oQuest->extra_info[] = $oAnswer;

// Customfield
$fman = new CustomFieldList();
$fman->setFieldArea( "LO_TEST" );
$oQuest->customfield = $fman->playFieldsFlat($this->id);

return $oQuest;

static function getTestQuestsFromTest($idTest){
$query_quest = "SELECT idQuest, type_quest, title_quest"
. " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testquest"
. " WHERE idTest = '" . $idTest . "'"
. " ORDER BY sequence";

$result_quest = sql_query($query_quest);

$quests = array();
while (list($idQuest, $type_quest, $title_quest) = sql_fetch_row($result_quest)) {
$quests[$idQuest]['idQuest'] = $idQuest;
$quests[$idQuest]['type_quest'] = $type_quest;
$quests[$idQuest]['title_quest'] = $title_quest;

return $quests;

static function getTestQuestAnswerFromQuestAndStudents($idQuest,$idStudents){

$query_answer = "SELECT tqa.idAnswer, tqa.is_correct, tqa.answer"
. " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testquestanswer AS tqa"
. " " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack_answer tta ON tqa.idAnswer = tta.idAnswer"
. " " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack tt ON tt.idTrack = tta.idTrack"
. " WHERE tqa.idQuest = '" . $idQuest . "'";
$query_answer .= " and tt.idUser in (" . implode(",", $idStudents) . ")";
$query_answer .= " ORDER BY tqa.sequence";

$result_answer = sql_query($query_answer);

$answers = array();

while (list($id_answer, $is_correct, $answer) = sql_fetch_row($result_answer)) {
$answers[$idQuest][$id_answer] = array('idAnswer'=>$id_answer,'is_correct' => $is_correct,'answer' => $answer);

return $answers;


class QuestionRaw {

var $qtype = NULL;

var $id_category = 0;
var $prompt = false;
var $quest_text = false;
var $difficult = 3;
var $time_assigned = 0;
var $answers = array();
var $extra_info = array();

function QuestionRaw() {}

function setCategoryFromName($category_name) {

$cat_list = array();
$qtxt = "SELECT idCategory "
."FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_quest_category "
."WHERE name = '".$category_name."' AND ( author = 0 OR author = ".(int)getLogUserId()." ) ";
$re = sql_query($qtxt);
if(!$re || !sql_num_rows($re)) $this->id_category = 0;
else list($this->id_category) = sql_fetch_row($re);



class AnswerRaw {

var $is_correct = 0;
var $text = false;
var $comment = false;
var $score_correct = 0;
var $score_penalty = 0;

function AnswerRaw() {}


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Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:18 pm

Re: implementing a new question type

Post by myomoto »

attached here is the db I altered to add the table for class.dropdown entry.
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Posts: 2214
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Re: implementing a new question type

Post by alfa24 »

Beware of case sensitivity. You named your class Dropdown_Question but in the db you entered DropDown_Question.
Anyway, I can't see your Apache errors log.
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Re: implementing a new question type

Post by myomoto »

Thanks! I renamed it. I also reached out to my Hosting provider for logs. Hopefully they can get the logs. I'm not sure I have access to see them.
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Posts: 2214
Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:45 am

Re: implementing a new question type

Post by alfa24 »

If you can't access the logs (bad hosting choice, man) you can activate debug in config.php.
When you do so, you'll see many notices and warnings in every page as Forma code is all but clean, but at the end of the blank page that now shows a generic 500 error, you'll see a fatal with the reason of your code is not working.
Per supporto GRATUITO contattatemi in privato qui
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