cannot finalize installation
cannot finalize installation
Hi, I followed step by step the installation tutorial video I found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwmaR_-nxNA for formalms, but when I try to access 'localhost/formalms' after step 8 (installation completed) I get redirected to the beginning of the installation procedure and cannot access forma. Help 

Re: cannot finalize installation
Did you remove the install folder?
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Re: cannot finalize installation
yes I tried both renaming it and deleting it and it just either kept on looping or straight up gave me Error 404 (because for some reason I keep getting redirected to 'localhost:8080/formalms/install' whenever I try to access 'localhost:8080/formalms/')
Re: cannot finalize installation
Is config.php present in your root folder with db credentials compiled?
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Re: cannot finalize installation
Provide a screenshot of the file listing of the root folder (where install folder is, as well as appLms, appCore, index.php, config.php and so on).
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Re: cannot finalize installation
(My screen is not big enough to fit it all in the screenshot but folders like appCore are indeed in the root folder)
Last edited by GioMik on Fri Oct 18, 2024 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: cannot finalize installation
Move config.php in the folder of the first screenshot
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