Auto-Subscribing New Students

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Thanks for the information. We removed the assignments in the course materials themselves, and just made sure that the students are subscribed to the courses. However, I still have users that cannot see anything. They login, and the course list is blank, even though they are subscribed (Career shows Total Courses: 7 but main screen says "No content available"). Thoughts?

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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

We're speaking about courses here, right? Not materials.. :-)

Anyway, my immediate thought is that they already completed those courses: the main page lists the courses you still have to take. If they see a label that says "completed", I'm sure their courses are there :-)
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Thanks for the suggestion. However, they are not completed, and this is happening to new students as well. Login and see "No content available" on main window.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

Can you post a couple of screenshots of what these users see?

The autosubscription policy is still active, right?
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Sure, here is an example:

Enrollment is setup:
enrollment2.jpg (22.66 KiB) Viewed 4973 times
New test user is auto-subscribed, but has not taken courses yet:
testuser2.jpg (4.4 KiB) Viewed 4973 times
Test user's home screen after login, all courses subscribed, but no content available:
homescreen2.jpg (43.73 KiB) Viewed 4973 times
Please let me know if you need shots of other LMS screens. Thanks!
Last edited by jcgski on Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

Hi, you didn't upload any .jpg, I only see a reference to the file names...
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

Please refresh. Re-uploaded smaller files.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

Well, what I am seeing is that you modified the template yourself. I suppose your issue might have something to do with something wrong in your template (CSS, code...) that causes visualization problems.
Have you tried to see if with the standard template you have the same issue?
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by jcgski »

We've been using the same template since the beginning, and have only had these issues recently. Older users that have been on the system for a while can see all of the content. It appears to only be newer users, and since we moved classes and tried to assign students to lectures as a fix. We cleared out the lecture assignments as you requested, but the new users still can't see anything.
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Re: Auto-Subscribing New Students

Post by max »

Let's try to recap the situation:

- the issue is that some users do not see any course listed under "my courses", right?
- yet, those same users happen to be subscribed to several courses, as their "career" box says and as yourself can see in the list of subscribed users

We ruled out that it could be an issue related to the template. Also, if it was the template, everybody would have the same problem. I don't see the filters in the screenshot of your home page (the filters with "All" "New" "Completed" and so on) but maybe you modified the GUI by removing them?

Anyway, since we cannot replicate your problem, let's rule out other simple things: do these 7 courses have an expiration date? Maybe the courses are past their end date or have the "Concluded" or "Cancelled" status, therefore new users cannot see them while old users who already accessed them in the past can.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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